

Consign Your Gear

If you're not satisfied with our offered price, no problem! We can consign your item and sell it at your desired price. However, if your asking price is too high, it may result in the item remaining unsold. In such cases, we'll contact you to inform you about the situation. If you still prefer not to lower the price, you can come and pick up the item free of charge.

When we sell your consigned item in-store, a 20% consignment fee will be deducted from the selling price. Payment will be made once the buyer confirms their satisfaction and keeps the item. If the item doesn't sell in-store, we may list it online to facilitate the sale. Online sales are subject to a 30% consignment fee, which covers selling fees. Before we can pay you, the item must be delivered to the customer, and positive feedback indicating their intent to keep the item must be received.

If a customer expresses interest in your item, whether online or in-store, and makes an offer, we'll contact you with their proposed amount. We kindly request that you consider a realistic asking price for consigned items to ensure fair market value. If your expectations greatly exceed the current market value, we may suggest pursuing an independent sale, as our resources are limited. Your understanding and cooperation are greatly appreciated.